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Faure has been a senior lawyer inside global giants at times of existential change and challenge:

• Ernst & Young - Global General Counsel when it was implicated in the $60Bn Lehman Brothers collapse, the Madoff fraud, and an Iran nuclear embargo breach, all successfully resolved. Faure became EY Global Leader of Legal Services in 2011, leading EY’s legal advisory services for performance improvement of law firms and legal departments.

• Tyco International – Part of the turnaround team after the Dennis Kozlowski scandal almost resulted in an Enron-style collapse. Success culminated in the Tyco “tri-vestiture”, the largest corporate separation since AT&T in 1984.

• Dell - During the “Dellionaire” rocket-ride from No.7 worldwide to No.1.

• Apple - During the loss-making spiral of 1995, before working on the Steve Jobs return and turnaround. Smarter Law Solutions consult and advise law firms, legal departments and other legal service providers on strategy, performance improvement, efficiency, business development, operational transformation, technology, talent management, financial and fee structuring.

Faure has written the definitive performance improvement publication for professional services: “Smarter Law: transforming busy lawyers into business leaders” encompassing the results of the hundreds of Smarter case studies and the underlying techniques used, ranging from emotional intelligence to artificial intelligence. Full details at

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