

















Beitrags Sprache: Englisch
Sponsored Article: Ja
Unter-Überschrift: How to use KPIs to measure Legal Department Success
Reading Time 10 Min.
Beitrags Kategorie: Legal Tech
Beitrags Art: Sponsored Article
Farbe: Rot

An introduction on how to set, measure and achieve KPIs to reduce and improve visibility of external legal spend.

Reading Time 10 Min.
Beitrags Sprache: Englisch
Unter-Überschrift: The digital transformation of the law firm
Reading Time 10 Min.
Beitrags Kategorie: Digital Transformation
Beitrags Art: Commentary
Farbe: Rot

What law firms need to know to master the digital transformation of the law.

Reading Time 10 Min.
Beitrags Sprache: Englisch
Sponsored Article: Ja
Unter-Überschrift: New Era of Legal Innovation in Russia
Reading Time 10 Min.
Beitrags Kategorie: Legal Tech
Beitrags Art: Sponsored Article
Farbe: Rot

Legal innovation in Russia is currently focusing on delivering new tools for lawyers rather than substituting lawyers.

Reading Time 10 Min.
Beitrags Sprache: Englisch
Sponsored Article: Ja
Unter-Überschrift: Building Successful Law Firms
Reading Time 10 Min.
Beitrags Kategorie: Legal Tech
Beitrags Art: Sponsored Article
Farbe: Rot

The roles that trust and technology play in building successful law firms.

Reading Time 10 Min.
Beitrags Sprache: Englisch
Sponsored Article: Ja
Unter-Überschrift: The Benefits are many
Reading Time 10 Min.
Beitrags Kategorie: Legal Tech
Beitrags Art: Sponsored Article
Farbe: Rot

Legal Document Automation can liberate Lawyers to focus on elements of the role that add real value.

Reading Time 10 Min.
Beitrags Sprache: Englisch
Unter-Überschrift: EU H2020
Reading Time 10 Min.
Beitrags Kategorie: Legal Tech
Beitrags Art: Article
Farbe: Rot

Is your legal technology start up looking for funding but has a hard time? I’m presenting you EU H2020 the world largest investment fund.

Reading Time 10 Min.

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